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Before becoming a life coach, I would have been the first to admit I thought life coaching was no more than the “coach” telling the “client” what to do. Since becoming a Life Coach, I have come to realize it is about the journey and has the power to transform lives.

As part of our training, we were required to be both the “coach” and the” client”. I thought, “I won’t get anything out of this, and I’ll just play along”. Well…I was completely wrong and one session as the client left me sobbing because I felt completely seen and heard by the coach, in a way I had not before experienced. It was then I realized I was really onto something.

Life coaching is, as I see it, a commitment between myself, the coach, and you, the client, to work to unearth the resources you have inside and use those resources to discover your hidden desires, goals, and path forward. It is not me telling you what to do or how to do it. I am not the expert in the room, you are. You know yourself better than anyone and it is my job to guide and keep you on the path to the future you want.

People frequently ask how many sessions are needed. That is a difficult question to answer as every person is in a different place in their journey and some people may need two sessions while others may need twelve sessions. During our first meeting we will discuss where you are on your journey and how many sessions you may need/want, and this may change as we work together. Whether it be two or twelve sessions, you are worth the investment.

Before embarking on your journey, I offer a free 20-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for one another. If we decide to go on this journey together, I charge $175/hour, each session is an hour. I require we meet for at least two sessions after which we can mutually decide to keep working together or wrap up our time together. All meetings are virtual.

Invest in yourself and request a consultation!